Author Archive

The Value of a Person

What is the value of a person? In many cultures men are honored more than women. Rich people are respected more than poor people. The current market value of a person is determined like the price of a car. Model, year, and condition all play a part. The disturbing truth is that human worth, like […]

The Sounds of Music

The sound of worship has hit a sour note. In many congregations, changing styles of music have become a source of conflict. ¶ Some church members miss the loss of doctrinally rich hymns. On the other side of the aisle is a generation that seems to thrive on new songs, more volume, and repetitive lyrics. […]

Rules For Fair Fighting

One of the promises of marriage is that shared love will bring out the best in each other. I remember giving my wife Di an anniversary card that said, “I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.” But what happens when husbands and wives […]

Why Israel Can’t Be Ignored

Whether loved or hated, Israel is a magnet. Although no larger than the state of New Jersey, she draws journalists, statesmen, and tourists from all over the world to a few acres of the most contested real estate on earth. Arriving from many nations, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim pilgrims stream through Ben Gurion airport in […]

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Conflict in the Middle East flows from generation to generation like a river of tears and bad blood. From the days of Abram there has been an unending current of personal rejection, revenge, and mutual loss. The Jewish and Arab problem affects all of us. It costs us at the gas pump. It divides us […]

A Friend’s Struggle With Assurance

A friend recently described to me how his understanding of spirituality has changed over time. I was interested because I knew something of the influence he’d had in his community while still in his teen years. He was known in the small town where he grew up for breaking the county high school pole-vault record. […]

Picturing Animal Sacrifice

In 1987 the city council of Hialeah, Florida, passed several ordinances banning animal sacrifice for religious purposes. A district court initially upheld the council’s actions, citing four concerns: (1) health risks, (2) possible emotional damage to children present at the sacrifices, (3) cruelty to animals, and (4) the council’s interest in restricting the killing of […]

Should We Forgive Terrorists?

The front page of our local newspaper carried the story of peace activists protesting the use of bombs to fight international terrorism. The article included a photo of a child carrying a sign asking, “What Would Jesus Do?”  ¶  The question on the sign is important. Jesus said that if we don’t forgive others, the […]

An Orphan Becomes Queen

She was an orphan who hid a family secret until becoming a national champion. Today she remains the talk and centerpiece of a Jewish holiday. The story of Esther is told every Spring at the Festival of Purim. With noise-makers, costumes, and practical jokes, the nation of Israel celebrates the story of a Jewish orphan […]

Remembering Henry (1914-1995)

“The devil always overplays his hand.” I can still hear Henry Bosch, founder of Our Daily Bread, say those words. His eyes would brighten and a smile would come to his face as he talked about the upside of a difficult day. What Did Henry Mean? Even though Henry wasn’t a card player, I know […]